Let’s just skip the formalities

As I hope you already know, my name’s Rei. I could fill paragraphs with business jargon that attracts all kinds of bots, but that’s what the other pages are for. Sometimes you gotta write what you wanna write, right?

Now I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but simply put, I love to create. It’s been etched into my soul ever since I was a toddler drawing nonsense on all the house walls. Those so-called “soft” skills, the ones that lean on feeling and emotion that we often distance from digital design, are inseparable from my work processes. All the seemingly unrelated things—multimedia illustration, free-form writing, terrible singing, goofy dancing, transformative work (that’s fancy speak for fanart)—at the end of the day, it all comes down to creation through expression.

These personal endeavors drive how we design, how we strategize, how we make meaningful human experiences, whether conscious of it or not. Anyone can be creative. Anything can used to create.

For me, that means heavily relying on my two gremlin cat daughters, a copious amount of film and TV, and an embarrassingly long list of incomplete video games……

What about you? ☺︎

What matters most

Skip the bull$#!t

Authenticity and open communication go a longer way than we give them credit for.

Respect logic, Embrace emotion

We often pit these two against each other, but the best solutions come when taking them hand-in-hand.

Pursue curiosity and creativity

Always make room for the plethora of joys that made us artists in the first place.

Be human, design human

We are all more than just users and data; the more we work toward this mindset, the better off the world will be.

Some folks I’ve worked with


Blizzard Entertainment

CMN Hospitals

The City of Linden


Dallas Fuel

DC Comics

Dream Con

Fan Expo HQ


Los Angeles Comic Con

Make-A-Wish Foundation




Cat Cafe Nyanny Japan

Overwatch League

The Pokémon Company




UD Global

Virgin Group

Warner Bros. Entertainment