


2 months


Branding, User Research, Visual Design, Marketing


Visual Designer, Marketer

Cat Café Nyanny Marketing and Branding


Cat cafés are a concept café throughout East Asia—particularly Japan—wherein patrons enjoy light refreshments in the company of resident cats. Nyanny is the longest-established such café in Kobe, Japan. They have three fun concepts: “play with many cats,” “smile with many cats,” and “relax with many cats.”

During a chance encounter in the region I had the opportunity to work with Nyanny to bring their business to a new level.

We featured the cat “staff” and “paw pad road”—a clear bridge under which visitors could see cats in all their toe-beaned glory.


Bring more awareness to the brand and its establishment, which had thus far been mostly local/word-of-mouth.


Design a marker that captures the cute, niche, yet long-standing history of the café. Take advantage of emergent social media behavior by running campaigns focusing on the virality of the cats and their environment, emphasizing the fun nature of the café’s three principles.

Key Takeaways

While the “paw pad road” bridge isn’t a uniquely Nyanny concept, it did cause such a stir on social media that the café then became well-known for it, and in turn pulled more curious customers.

  • STRATEGY: Naoki Sugie

    DESIGN: Rei Augustine, Chiyoko Yamashita

    PHOTOGRAPHY: Rei Augustine, Seiji Nota

    MARKETING DIRECTION: Misora Hagihara