
Academic Partnerships


10 months


Strategy, Interaction, Visual Design, Pitching, Branding, Marketing


Interactive Designer, Marketer

Academic Partnerships Rebrand


Academic Partnerships is a pioneer in delivering higher education online with one simple mission: expand access to top-quality, affordable, and workforce relevant education.

What sets AP apart is its focus on facilitating scalable online program growth for university partners, while also supporting the success of their students.

Through close collaboration with technology, marketing, operations, and production, the design team transformed the brand into what it is today.


Image within the industry needed to reflect its impact on higher education, online learning, and student wellbeing.


Refresh with an entire rebrand that puts the organization’s quality and accessibility on full display.

Key Takeaways

This endeavor required close and frequent collaboration across departments, with heavy focus on modernizing its interactive potential. Since then, it has continued to deliver high conversion rates and more success stories year over year.

  • STRATEGY: Linda Smith, Jack Swearengin, Tim Schmidt, Shannon Maddux, Tisha Jones

    CREATIVE DIRECTION: Jack Swearengin

    ART DIRECTION: Tim Schmidt

    LEAD DESIGN: Tim Schmidt, James Keesler, Rei Augustine

    DESIGN: Wayne Brown, Billy Bretches, Miles McFarland

    ICONOGRAPHY: Tim Schmidt, Rei Augustine, James Keesler

    LEAD DEVELOPMENT: Brian Johnson

    DEVELOPMENT: Norma King, Issac Gonzalez, Sunil Datt Vashisht


    COPYWRITING: Linda Smith, Robin Goodpaster, Nicole Foster, Kaytee Champlin

    PRODUCTION: David Chaffin, Sarah Crosby

    EDITING: Sarah Crosby, Amanda Smiley, Miles McFarland, Rei Augustine